Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Done with training; now on to the real thing!

This morning I got in my final training ride; the usual 25 mile loop around Cherry Creek reservoir. Despite a strong wind, a very lovely ride which had me feeling pretty good. A milestone for me, to have set out a training plan, follow it and complete it. Over approximately three months I rode over 1,700 miles for over 120 hours. I rode from Lincoln Nebraska and Chicago, IL, to the Grand Teton and Yellowstone parks; from about 600 feet above sea level to almost 12,000 feet above sea level. This was definitely the longest and hardest I have trained for anything and I feel great about it. I do feel like I am ready for RTR (which starts in four days), but we'll see....

Looking back, I think the training was itself an important and good part of this whole experience. To be disciplined to accomplish something despite not feeling like getting up early and riding some mornings, lousy weather, and going on two long out-of-town trips is an accomplishment I can take some pride in. I think on the whole I enjoyed the experience, though there were certainly days I didn't have much fun. There is something satisfying about doing this with a goal in mind and I think it will definitely pay off when I get to the actual RTR.

I certainly have benefited physically from this. I am probably in better shape than I have been since I was in college and I lost about 15 pounds. Having done some serious mountain passes and having ridden as much as 70 miles on some days, I am pretty sure I will do ok on the actual ride. It will be interesting to see how my fitness compares to my buddy, Herb, who is flying out from Philadelphia on Friday to ride with me. He is the one who got me back into doing some serious bike riding and he did RTR last year and had a good time, inspiring me to try it. Before I moved to Colorado and started biking, he was my "idol" in terms of his fitness, for he is a regular weekend rider out east. He has been in good shape for a long time, something I cannot say for myself, so I'll be keen to see how my fitness now compares to his. This is not a competition, of course, but signing up for RTR is a big deal for me and it will be nice to have some benchmark to see how well I've done.

As I said in my first blog, my main goal is 1) to survive and 2) to enjoy the experience. I am pretty sure I have got goal 1) under control and it will be somewhat up to me to achieve goal 2) (though of course, all sorts of things can happen during the event). I am definitely excited (and nervous) but won't have to wait much longer to be at it. RTR, here I come!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Riding National Parks

In about a week I'll be riding through the Rocky Mountain National Park, but this week I was able to get on two wonderful rides in other National Parks.

On Tuesday we stayed at the Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park. I was able to make a beautiful ride of 30 miles down to Lake Jenny and back. Riding south I had the view above in sight the whole way, which was totally inspiring. Also fun that there were lots of Mule Deer to see and also a wolf with a squirrel in its mouth who was trotting along the road and seemed undisturbed by my presence. The landscape was not unlike that in Cherry Creek State Park back in Denver, other than the fact you have the magnificent Grand Tetons right there! Only part that wasn't a pure joy was where they had signs of "Do Not Stop" because of recent Mama and Baby Grizzly activity. I was a bit nervous, planning my escape if needed!

The next day we drove up to Yellowstone, where we are staying in a cabin at Mammoth Hot Springs. I set off yesterday morning about 5:30 for a ride, nor realizing that a Mama Elk had just given birth behind our cabin (that's her above just behind our cabin). When I set off, I looked to my left and saw a large elk coming at me! I sprinted off, thinking that was a bit strange....

I rode up through Gold Gate Pass (above), a five mile, 1,500 climb (nice to get in a climb on this trip!) to the Yellowstone Plateau. Then another five miles out along the valley and woods. No interesting sightings, though a fair number of elk and mule deer wandering around. Returned to the cabin and saw the elk (which I didn't realize yet was a new mother) at the top of the hill behind our cabin. As soon as she saw me, she started trotting down the hill towards me, not in a friendly fashion, so I sped to the porch, jumped off my bike and dashed inside. A new experience for my bike riding! As it happens, the elk was a bit of a pain all day, as she hung around our cabin not wanting us to go in or out, until finally at the end of the day she wandered off.

Unfortunately, I won't have any more chance on this trip to ride, so I'll have to put in some good rides early next week before taking the break before the start of RTR; just over a week away!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A weekend of passes

Yahoo! I am still alive (not a surprise, I guess, as I am writing this blog)and I managed to complete a weekend of rides which I really was not sure I could do. I am leaving tomorrow for a week on the road, so it is not clear how much biking I'll get, plus the RTR web site suggested this weekend doing two long rides. So, I decided I would bike from Dillon to Vail and back one day, then from Dillon to the top of Loveland Pass the next. Not hugely long (90 total miles), but over 7,000 of vertical feet! On Friday evening I was wondering if I had bitten off more than I could chew, but I did it!

On Saturday I set off about 7:30. Nice enough day, though a bit smoky because of nearby wildfires. It is a nice ride from Dillon across the reservoir then up the Ten Mile Creek recreation pass to Copper Mountain. About 15 miles with a good climb, but gradual. Only problem was that the wind was in mind face the whole way, which was a pain (didn't know at that stage how insignificant the wind was at that stage). Then up the valley on a very lovely bike path to the top of Vail pass, about 6 miles of good climb. Total climb from Dillon to the top about 1,600 feet.

Then a long (11 miles) down hill into Vail. I really did not enjoy this that much. I think I must be one of the few bikers who doesn't like really long, steep downhills. I do not like to go above about 30 mph---when I was a kid, I flew over my handlebars when my front wheel came loose and had to have root canal work on my front teeth, so I have a healthy regard for the damage one can do is something happens if you fall off a speeding bike. Also, my hands get sore from the position they have to hold in order to keep up the needed pressure on the brakes. I think I will probably end up liking the up hills on RTR more than the down hills!

On the way down into Vail I keep wondering if I had made a mistake, for the trail was not only quite long, but had some really steep bits and I just was not sure that after going up the pass one way I could make it the other. The front side of the pass, from Dillon, was only 1,600, whereas the backside, from Vail, is about a 2,500 feet climb. Quite a difference.

In any case, I did make it but it wasn't fun at all. Not only was it long and quite steep in bits, but the #*%)! WIND was in my face the whole way. It was a really strong wind, with regular gusts as fast as any I have ever ridden in. It made the entire climb very hard for me. Even the places where it was relatively flat, I was struggling just to keep going. There was even a downhill bit where I could only get going up to 12 mph with pedaling! I just gritted my teeth, and kept trying to move fast enough not to fall over, and finally made it.

Today was much better. The ride was shorter, but even more of a vertical climb. It is a gentle up hill from Dillon to Keystone, but from there the next eight miles is a very steady climb. No really steep bits; just a constant up hill. Total climb today was almost 3,000 feet and I did it in about 2 1/2 hours. I was very pleased when I got to the top!

The down hill, however, was really not fun at all. First, it was a lot colder today, about 38 degrees in Dillon when I left, so I am not sure what it was at the top. Then, the whole way down there was as strong a headwind as yesterday's (though, I suppose I should be grateful that it wasn't in my face when climbing!). I froze on the way down and was regularly tossed about a bit by gusts. I just wanted it over! When it was, I jumped in the hot tub and am now feeling better.

Now I realize that for many who are doing RTR this probably isn't that big a thing to have done these two rides in two days, but I am really chuffed myself. Not only for a good length, but real climbs to two real mountain passes. While I am down in Denver, I sometimes feel the mountains are laughing at me for my puny climbs, but here I was right in the middle and taking on the mountains themselves. They seemed really friendly (unless they are the ones sending that wind the last two days!) and I now really think I am going to be able to make it on RTR and enjoy it!

When we first moved to Denver about two years ago and drove over the Loveland Pass, I saw some bikers going up and remember remarking that they were nuts and that I would never even consider such a thing. Well, today I did it and it is a testament to what training and will power can do. I am not sure if I will keep my riding up to this degree once I have done RTR, but I am glad I am in the shape I am today and I'm ready for the RIDE!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some rambling (aka biking) thoughts

Just over two weeks to go before Ride the Rockies and my training seems to be going pretty well. I've been averaging 5-6 days biking a week and am keeping ahead of the suggested mileage from the RTR site. I was able to do another loop from Hilltop to Chatfield, then up and down Deer Creek Canyon, then back to Hilltop: 70 miles with a good, long climb halfway. The weather has been mostly good and I've been able to work around the bad weather pretty well.

My concern is that I will be away at a conference next week in Yellowstone, but I am taking my bike and hope to be able to get at least a few rides in. This coming weekend is the one where the RTR site suggests I take a couple of long rides. So we are heading up to Summit County and I plan to try to get in a long ride both Saturday and Sunday at altitude. I'm a bit nervous about how much I bite off, but I think I'll do ok. Which leads me to some rambling thoughts...

Fitness: I think I have been doing a good job. I certainly feel in pretty good shape. Of course, it is all relative. When I am doing my usual 25 mile loop, I tend to pass a fair number of bikers and keep up a good clip, so I feel good. But then, I ride up Deer Creek Canyon and get passed by a bunch of riders and I feel like I am hopeless. I guess relative to the "general public" (including myself three months ago), I am in quite good shape, but relative to the "biking class" I am pretty much at the bottom range of fitness.

It was interesting this morning the number of "serious" bikers out. I went out on Monday and today at 5:45 am. Monday there was almost no-one on the road, but today I must have seen close to 50 serious bikers out on the same loop (many of them passing me!). It was like someone all of a sudden announced the start of bike-day. It may be because they were talking about it getting up to 90 degrees and so everyone went off early, but I really felt like a slug compared to all these other bikers who were whizzing by.

I looked at the map of each day and it all seems doable for me, not that I feel in reasonable shape. But then as I am riding around my morning loop I look at the mountains and they look really, really imposing! It is like they are looking at me and being totally unimpressed with the pitiful "hills" I am going up and down. That is one of the reasons I am a bit apprehensive about my planned rides in the mountains this weekend. I am going to try to do at least some reasonable climbs each day, so I'll get a better handle on things then.

Fun: I asked last week if I was having fun and wasn't sure. Well, last week I had a really fun end to one of my daily loops. I went off in the afternoon and there was a really stiff wind in my face almost the whole way out. That was definitely a grind. I hate wind as it is the gliding and efficiency of the bike that makes it so much fun and the wind wipes that out. So I pushed hard for the 12+ miles out, but then, when I started back, boy was that fun! The wind was right behind me the whole way and I was able to really get going. I probably average 21+ mph, and almost never dropped below 20 the whole way back---and it was easy and great, great fun. I had a smile on my face the whole way.

I am trying to make sure I enjoy my training rides more on a regular basis. Partly I have my head down trying to get a good workout, but I am trying to remember to look up and enjoy the scenery, etc. It certainly is beautiful when I get up to Cherry Creek park around the reservoir. Especially in the morning with the slanting sun giving everything a magical illumination and the mountains lined up across the horizon (albeit looking at me with great skepticism). And then there is the wildlife...

Wildlife: Every day I see lots of birds, including once a large blue heron, and my friends the prairie dogs, not to mention numerous rabbits and squirrels. With some regularity (if I go in the early morning) I'll see the deer herds in the park and from time to time a coyote. I saw a beautiful fox one time in Deer Creek Canyon. The most "exciting" wildlife I saw, though, was one morning when I came around a corner and there was a HUGE snake crossing the bike path. I do not like snakes and this nearly sent me off my bike. It was, I would guess, between 5-6 feet long and filled most of the bike path. There was maybe 8 inches behind it, which is where I went flying by, hoping it wouldn't twist around and take a bite at me. It was probably as traumatized by the encounter as I was, but I did not like that one bit!

So, I plan to ride every morning this week, two long rides in the mountains this weekend, and then catch as many rides as I can next week. The following week is the one before the RTR and you are supposed to slow down a bit. I may feel the urge to get out strong on Monday and Tuesday if I don't get many rides in when on my trip, but we are definitely, one way or the other, getting to the end of my training. Soon, on to the real thing!

Monday, May 14, 2012

We having fun yet?

What a beautiful day and a good ride today, but am I having fun? That is what someone asked me, "Do you enjoy the biking?" Well, I love to bike or I wouldn't have started this, but am I enjoying the training? If I was going to be enjoying it, today would have been the day, as the weather is spectacular and I had a very good training ride. I did the "Loopty Loop" (where I got out to the Cherry Creek reservoir, around it and then back the same way, returning from there--this adds about 5 miles to my usual loop) and pushed the entire 30 miles. Averaged almost 16 miles an hour and felt good the whole way. I certainly took pleasure in completing the route in good time and in good form. Did I enjoy it, I think so, but I was so focused on continuing to push that it was hard to tell.

As I said in my first blog, one of my two main goals for RTR is to enjoy the trip, so I am planning not to push myself on the actual event. I want to complete it (and live!) and not take too long, but I plan to make sure I enjoy the trip itself by allowing myself to cruise and look at the scenery or stop and relax along the way. I do think I am, in one sense, enjoying the training, but it is mostly the accomplishment, and I want more than that for the actual RTR. We'll see...

The last two days were good training as well. Saturday I was able to do the 70 miles trip to Chatfield, then up the Deer Creek Canyon hill, and back. As I mentioned last time I did that trip, I figure that is a good test, as it is close to the average distance of RTR and includes a 10 mile uphill stretch in the middle. I know that the days on RTR will be longer and there will be more hills, not just the one, but still to do it by 1:00 pm in the day without much of a break I think is a good indication that I am at least in reasonable shape.

Sunday we went up to Summit County and Lindsey and I did the Lake Dillon loop, including the Swan Mountain Road hill. Unfortunately, it was cold and while going up the hill we got into a snow storm! Still, we did it and it was at least not a wasted day towards my training. The rest of this week should be good for that, as the weather should be good. I hope to get out every day for at least 25 miles...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Two weeks later: ups & downs

Well, my stay in Chicago did not go as planned. I only had a few times I could go for a ride and it was raining for all of them, so I didn't get out on the road for essentially a week (including the two days drive back to Denver). This was a crucial time for me in terms of my training: I have always been pretty good about keeping on with something once I am in the swing of it, but I have been known to slide if there was a reason for taking a break (related to "projects" like jogging or dieting). So, having been off for a week, I was concerned that I get right back into the saddle to catch up on my training.

Luckily the weather was good and the spirit willing, so I did three mornings in a row of my standard 25 mile ride around the reservoir, and then planned a good long bike on the Saturday. Saturday dawned sunny and cool and off I went down the Cherry Creek trail in the opposite direction I usually go, towards the center of Denver. I left at 7:30 so while there were people out, not a huge number.

After about six miles I got to Confluence Park, where Cherry Creek runs into the Platte, and turned south on the Platte River trail. On this trail you go past an amusement park, the Bronco's football stadium (whatever it is called now), then through an industrial section, until after about 9 miles you get to where Beer Creek comes in from the foothills.

Turning east, I went up Bear Creek, through some development, then open spaces, then more development, to a golf course, at which point there is a good climb up the Bear Creek Reservoir dam.
Nice trail, though a bit chopped up in places, and you do get closer and closer to the foothills, which is fun. Eventually, I turned north along the foothills, with some fairly good climbing, riding along the Route 470 trail. By then, I had gone about 30 some miles, including the climb on Bear Creek. By then the sun was strong and hot, so I was getting a bit tired, but eventually, I started start downhill into Golden.

In Golden, you are about 20 miles west of Denver, which you can see in the picture above, and this is where Clear Creek comes out of the foothills and starts its way towards the Platte. Picking up the Clear Creek bike trail near the Coors brewery, I started east. The trail goes down hill on the whole, but still with the heat of the day I was definitely feeling a bit tired.

Arriving at the Platte, I turned south towards home. It is fun to see Denver in the distance and then growing bigger. The Platte River trail is not nearly as shaded as the Bear Creek, Clear Creek or Cherry Creek trails, but it still is a good trail. I was now going uphill a bit and definitely needed a breather when I got into town.

At Confluence Park, I turned west again to head up Cherry Creek trail. Though the slope is quite gradual, I definitely noticed the difference from the morning when I was heading downhill (not to mention that I had by then ridden 60 miles in the sun & heat). I went fairly slowly and got back to the house just after noon. A total trip of 66 miles in 1:45, including some good, but not huge hills.

I had been concerned about getting back into the training and getting back into shape after my hiatus, so I was pretty pleased with the ride. This week I was able to ride from Sunday through Thursday every day except Monday. Today was rainy, so I took a breather, but tomorrow I plan another go at the 70 miles loop down down to Chatfield Reservoir, with the serious climb up Deer Creek Canyon. It is supposed to be cloudy with some rain, but I hope it won't stop my ride. We'll see.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On the road, on the road

Left Denver yesterday and drove to Lincoln (photo of state capitol above; does this look priapic to anyone else?) where I had mapped out a bike trip on their extensive network of bike trails. It was hot and sunny and I was able to go for 32 good miles through surprisingly rolling landscape. Most of the way was on paved trails, though their signage was basically non-existent and I had only a reduced map I downloaded from the web, so I got off-trail twice. Managed to do the basic route and it was actually fun that I ended up biking through what must be one of the nicer residential areas of Lincoln, past the capital.

Had a blow-out just in the first two miles and used my spare and C02 cartridge, which made me very nervous that it would happen again and I would be stuck. I kept my eyes open and passed right by Polkadot Bicycles. Despite having only $8 with me, the very nice owner, Paul Knoff, sold me a new cartridge and tube for that amount, which was really nice of him and let me relax the rest of the time. He has a nice shop and is a very nice fellow, so if in Lincoln, stop by and say hi (and look at his custom Bob Jackson bikes from England)...

Today I drove from Lincoln to Naperville, IL (just outside Chicago) and was able to get in a 22 miles round. No paved trails, but my hotel is only a mile from a rails-to-trails gravel path, so off I went. Took that to a large natural preserve, with marshes, lakes, fields, etc., and a nice gravel path around. Beautiful ride, despite the cloudy day (actually, more comfortable than the very hot ride yesterday).

So two days into my road trip to Chicago, where I was worried about getting enough chances to ride, I have already put on 50+ miles. I will be staying in the Loop in Chicago starting tomorrow and hope to be able to get a number of rides along the Lake Shore Drive.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Good weekend of biking!

I had a very good weekend on the biking front. The weather (as usual) has been great. Saturday morning I went out with my biking buddy, Kathleen, and rode up Look Out Mountain to Buffalo Bill's grave. This is a hill just outside Golden that is about 5 miles straight up, with an average of over a 6 degree slope. (Photo above is looking down on Golden from top) Fairly short, but a very good workout with great views at the end! Later in the day, Lindsey and I did the usual loop around Cherry Creek reservoir, so I got in about 35 miles yesterday.

Today, I rode from home, down the South Platte bike trail to Chatfield Reservoir, then up Deer Creek Canyon (the ride I did a week or so ago that is about 10 miles straight up). Then back home for a total ride of about 70 miles. Pretty tired, but I handled it pretty well. This is encouraging, as this is something like a typical Ride the Rockies Day (Light). A bit shorter than most of the rides, and they will probably most have more uphill, but not that far off, so the fact I was back home by 12:30 and in good shape was encouraging.

This week I am heading off to an antique show in Chicago and plan to take my bike with me. Looks like I can do a good ride in Lincoln, NE, which is my first stop. Then I should be able to do at least some biking along the lake in Chicago. Have to keep it up! Just over a month to go!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Random thoughts

Not a great photo, but a coyote was out checking out things by Cherry Creek reservoir as I road by this morning. This one was a bit scrawny, but the other day I say a coyote that was really magnificent looking. The deer are out in good numbers now-a-days (in the Cherry Creek park), and the prairie dogs as well, as long as it isn't too early in the morning!

In order to bump up my miles (I am now averaging over 100 miles a week), I am doubling back after I round Cherry Creek reservoir, so my "loop" is not 30-31 miles instead of 25. My weekly rides are keeping up the miles and now I am trying to add some serious hill climbs on the weekends. I feel that about half way through my training, I have built up a pretty good base. As long as I continue I think I'll be fine (I hope!).

As the weather has gotten warmer, there are more bikers out when I go. I do not like to be passed, though if it is someone considerably younger, I try not to let it bother me (the other day someone passed me who was probably in his 40s and that rather peeved me...). I do, however, always try to push my speed up after I am passed to see if I can hang with the person who passed me. Sometimes I don't have a prayer, but other times I do ok. This morning, someone passed me about 6 miles from getting back to hilltop and I managed to up my pace so I stayed with him the rest of the way. I was pretty tired when I pulled off the bike path, but I guess that was good for me.

This got me thinking that though this competitive reaction is probably not the smartest thing I do, on the whole biking has been good for me psychologically as well as physically. Certainly it was back in the 70s when I first got biking seriously in England. I learned to take my time and enjoy the ride, not just putting my head down and plowing on to the end. I tend to be impatient (which is why I don't like hiking), but I learned on my trips around England that if I enjoyed the experience and stopped, from time to time, to "smell the flowers," it was a much better experience.

My first goal in Ride the Rockies is to survive it and complete the course. The second one, though, is to enjoy the experience. Right now I am very focused on the number one goal and I know that I will be anxious once it starts, but I think I'll be able to not just put my head down and bull ahead, for what would the point of that be? One time, in England, I decided I would aim to cover 125 miles in one day and so I just went at it; I finished the distance by 2 in the afternoon and didn't enjoy a bit of it! So, I plan not to do anything like that, but we'll see. (Note that my third goal is not to be the last rider to complete the trip each day!).

Monday, April 16, 2012

Deer Creek Canyon

On Saturday I did a fairly short ride, but it was my first major mountain ride. Southwest of Denver is Deer Creek Canyon and the ride up it is very popular. It is nine miles of pretty much straight up. Parts are fairly moderate in slope, but other parts are a good pull. The organizers of RTR had indicated that you should be able to do a 10 mile uphill at about a 5-6 degree slope. Though not quite 10 miles, I think this was about the type of uphill they were talking about and I managed it in good shape. Still smiling at the top!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dillon loop & spring

Spring is really here: today was beautiful (as usual) going around the Cherry Creek reservoir, with lots of birds (including a stalking great blue heron), deer, prairie dogs, flowering trees and almost all trees ready for their leaves. Now having done the "standard loop" a bunch of times, my fitness level is clearly getting there.

Which was proved this weekend when I did the "Dillon loop" once each day. Last fall, the one time I did the loop I thought I was going to die going up and over Swan Mountain Road. It is a good climb of two miles and a bit more than half-way up I thought I just couldn't get enough air in my lungs. This was my real fear about doing Ride the Rockies. I figured that this was a steep hill, but if I couldn't even make it up that without problems, how was I going to do 5 mountain passes!

Well, both Lindsey and I made it up (pix above from the top) in good shape. I realize my problem last year was that I went at it too fast/hard and just ran out of breath. It is tough enough that once I did that, I couldn't get my breath back. This time I just took it steady and though it wasn't easy, I made it fine to the top without stopping nor without having problems breathing. Lindsey and I did the loop on Saturday and then I did it again on Sunday at a faster clip and both were fine. So that is a big monkey off my back!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A good week & the mountains loom

Despite some inclement weather (mostly it has been in the 60s & 70s and very sunny), I have had a good week of biking. The "goal" this week is to have done 80 miles and I have already done 115 with 25 more for tomorrow morning.

I was able to go off on a long but fun ride on Saturday of 65 miles, almost all on bike paths. Rode down Cherry Creek trail to Confluence Park, then 8 miles down the South Platte to Bear Creek. Turned west up Bear Creek, riding right up into the foothills and across to Golden, from whence I turned back east along Clear Creek trail until it flowed into the Platte north of Denver. South down the trail to Confluence and then back home. I managed this in 5 hours and though tired at the end, I really enjoyed it. The next day, Lindsey & I did the standard 25 miles loop around Cherry Creek reservoir, which I did again yesterday afternoon.

I have felt pretty good on these rides and on yesterday's loop I went pretty much as fast as I thought I could maintain, making the trip in about 1 hour and 35 mins. So I am feeling good about building up the muscles (and seat!), but now I have to start looking to the mountains...

Which comes this Saturday. We are heading up to Dillon where I plan to do the 17 mile loop around the Dillon reservoir, which includes a steep, 2 mile ride up on Swan Mtn. Road. Last year I did it once and had to stop twice. It wasn't the muscles, but my wind. I just couldn't breath. I have been doing a fair bit of hills, but not at that altitude (Dillon is about 9,100').

So, I am a bit apprehensive to see how I do on Saturday. I plan not to be as cocky this time (last year, I went charging up it, assuming it wouldn't be a problem). This will be a good test to see how much work I still need as all the rides for Ride the Rockies are between about 7,000 and 12,000. We'll see....

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Early spring riding

Spring is just starting here in Colorado. There are blossom trees out in the city, but on the Cherry Creek bike path (my usual run) there is almost no evidence of blossoms. The animals, though, are coming out. Today there were a couple of deer herds (who watched me go by with definite quizzical looks on their faces) and the first sign of the rabbits that inhabit the ground by the bike path. The lazy prairie dogs are still not coming out by the time I go by, though in my afternoon rides I see them.

The Rockies are always a treat to see when I get up to the Cherry Creek State Park (that is downtown Denver at the right of the photo above). Each day they look different, which is something that was noticed almost 150 years ago by an artist named A.E. Mathews, who produced a book of lithographed views of Colorado (image above is the view of Denver and the mountains in the book). In any case, this is what he had to say about seeing the Rockies from Denver.
"So clear and pure is the air on the plains, that the mountains can be distinctly seen 175 miles off. The Rocky Mountains assume new, peculiar, and beautiful features almost every day and hour, according to the condition of the atmosphere and position of the sun. Sometimes on a bright moonlight night, or just before sunrise, the rocks, canons and trees stand out so distinctly that the mountains appear to be but a mile or two from Denver...When the air is clearer than usual, a most beautiful effect is seen just as the light of the sun has left the western horizon; the horizon is lighted up by a soft, cool, silvery light, caused by the sun shining on the western slow of the snow-covered mountains. The beauty of the sky and clouds in Colorado, especially in summer, rivals that of Italy."

This is very true and it is one of the joys of living in Denver, to look at the magnificent Rocky Mountains each day and get a new, amazing scene. Of course, now that I am training for Ride the Rockies, I look at them and think that soon I will be up in those mountains trying to make my way up and down the passes.... Definite incentive to keep going!

View Standard Loop March 28 in a larger map
I recently downloaded a new app, called "My Tracks" which tracks my rides. The map above is from today's morning ride. This app also puts up a spread sheet with the stats from my rides. Pretty cool!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two weeks plus...

Start of my third week in training and got a nice, but cold and very windy ride in this morning: when I left it was 32 degrees. Too cold for the prairie dogs to be out, but did get to see a deer herd in the Cherry Creek State Park, along with a very handsome coyote who trotted across my path.

Last week and today was definitely windy, which is the thing I hate most when biking. Even a very steep hill promises the downhill side, but wind just works against you. However, it is good for my training, I guess.

Last week got in some nice days, including in the warm afternoons. Went exploring one day to up my ride to 30 miles (did 80 miles for the week), which was fun. Well ahead of the schedule so far, but with various trips coming up, it will be harder to stay ahead. Last weekend was in Philly, but managed to get an hour & half on an exercise bike, so that was good.

I haven't got up to altitude yet (or at least higher than Denver's 5280'), but it has been fairly warm so the Summit County bike path might be clear soon. I am feeling good about my muscles for the ride, but still apprehensive about my wind...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

First week

The first week of training went well. Good weather and a total of 90 miles. The suggested training from the Ride the Rockies folk said to have done 50 miles this week, so ahead of schedule. Of course, there will be hiccups coming up (trips etc) so I need to try to keep ahead.

Thought there are only the faintest signs of spring coming, I am beginning to see signs of wildlife. Saw some deer this week and this morning an otter (beaver?) in Cherry Creek. Also, the prairie dogs are starting to show themselves.

With time leaping forward this weekend, it will be hard to go out as early and it still is quite cold in the morning (in the 30s when I start out), but with the solid sunny weather next week, I should be able to keep up the good work! My only worry is still my wind, which I'll have to work on when I can start working out up in the mountains...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6

I can tell I am in training as my bum is really sore! The weather is great today and suspect for tomorrow, so I went out for a second day in a row. This time I did my "usual" full 25 mile loop out to Cherry Creek reservoir and back. Not only was I saddle sore, but my legs felt it as well...I guess all good news.

I didn't enjoy the ride as much today as I did yesterday, until I got up to the reservoir, which is about 300 feet above Denver, where the view of the Rockies was wonderful and inspiring. My competitive nature kicked in on the way back, as I fell in behind a 30-something biker and decided I could keep up with him on the 8 miles back. I did, but definitely felt it! Overall, a good start and now a few days to rest my aches & pains until the next ride, probably Friday.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5

Back in Denver so I was able to get out for my first on-the-bike training. My usual ride last summer and fall was a 25 mile loop around Cherry Creek Reservoir, which I was able to complete quite quickly. For my first ride in about 100 days, I figured 20 miles was fine and I managed it slower but in good shape. More importantly, I loved it, realizing how much I enjoy biking. Good thing, as I am going to be spending a lot of time on my bike in the next four months!

March 3-4

Friends in from out of town and we all went up to Summit County, so no biking (the roads and bike paths are still mostly snow covered), but we get out and do some cross-country skiing. Different muscles, but I think my problem on this ride will not be muscles so much as my breathing. The one time I tried to do the 17 mile loop around Lake Dillon, climbing Swam Mountain Road, I thought I was going to die! My legs felt great, but I just couldn’t get any breath. So, I did some “sprinting” (a rather generous terms for the speed I managed) on the skis and really felt it in my breathing. At least a start! Then the next morning another round of x-country skiing. My wind still sucked (in all senses), but at least two days of earnest training!

My Ride the Rockies Blog

On March 2nd, I found out I was one of the lucky 2,000 riders selected for the 2012 Ride the Rockies. In the six days from June 9th to 15th, I will be riding 442 miles, including 24,937 vertical feet! Riding from Gunnison to Fort Collins, I’ll ascend (assuming I survive!) McClure Pass, Independence Pass, Fremont Pass, Ute Pass and Milner Pass, riding through some of the most beautiful country in the world at an average of about 8,000 feet above sea level and peaking at over 12,000!

What has possessed me? I am a fairly typical “old man” (58) in reasonable, but not great shape. I have never done anything this physically hard for this extended a period of time. I did quite a bit of bike riding in my 20s, but not that much since until last year. Still, if you live in Colorado and if you like riding bikes, this is THE ride to do. I am excited, terrified and determined to do it.

I do have a few things going for me. I live in Denver, which is at a mile high, and we have a condo in Dillon, which is at over 9,000 feet elevation, so I will be able to train at altitude. Also, living in Colorado, it is just the norm to be out there doing stuff in the outdoors. After years of not doing much biking, I finally got back into it last summer, and was regularly doing 75 miles a week, with regular weekend jaunts added on. Of course, I am going to have to do a damn sight more this year!

The folk at Ride the Rockies randomly select about 2,000 riders every year and while the majority are young and dedicated bikers, there are plenty of just regular folk, so they are geared up to help people like me. They have a great web site with a suggested training regimen, etc. etc. Their suggested training began on Feb. 29th, but I didn’t really start until this weekend, but I figure if I put my mind to it, I can do the training necessary to not only survive (#1 goal!), but to enjoy the experience.

This blog is supposed to help me keep at it. If I put my training and then ride up on the web for anyone to see, it will be very embarrassing if I fail. I should be able to keep it up even without this, but it never hurts…